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Aug 22, 2024

Teamsters Joint Council 28 Endorses Harris-Walz

August 16, 2024

Sisters and Brothers,

Following Donald Trump and Elon Musk’s publicly aired conversation regarding union-busting tactics and the illegal terminations of striking workers, our Teamster General President Sean O’Brien condemned those statements in the most powerful way possible.

Given these events, our Union can no longer sit idly by and refuse to take a position on the presidential election we will all participate in this November. It is not an exaggeration to say this election may be the most consequential for organized labor since FDR was elected President in 1932. Below is the exact transcript of Trump’s comments to Elon Musk during his interview on X (formerly twitter):
Trump, to Musk: “I mean, I look at what you do. You walk in and say, ‘you want to quit?’ I won’t mention the name of the company, but they go on strike, and you say, ‘that’s OK. You’re all gone. You’re all gone. So every one of you is gone' and you are the greatest.”

These comments make clear Trump agrees with Musk’s actions: breaking federal law by firing workers exercising their right to strike for better working conditions is not just okay, but should be admired. This reckless disregard of the law by two silver spoon billionaires drew the ire of Teamsters General President Sean O’Brien. In a statement to Politico, President O’Brien stated “firing workers for organizing, striking, and exercising their rights as Americans is economic terrorism.” He could not be more accurate with his choice of words.

At the end of the day, Teamster members need to take a good hard look at each candidate for President, asking themselves what life would really look like if we elected a President who openly yearns for a future where corporations have ultimate power and working people have none.

Union membership is a right in this country, but just like other rights we thought were enshrined and untouchable, it can be taken away. Our very livelihoods are under threat if Trump and his billionaire friends get their way, rolling the clock back on our collective bargaining rights. Trump is, quite simply, not a man who has any love or respect for working people such as the 54,000 members of Teamsters Joint Council 28.

Many of our members have been on strike, honored picket lines, or taken strike authorization votes during their contract negotiations. Teamster members have witnessed firsthand the enormous improvements that have been achieved as a direct result of these protected activities. Trump wishes your bosses could just fire you for challenging their authority with a strike. Never forget that. Trump wants to eliminate your legally protected right to challenge your employer and demand the dignity and respect all hardworking Teamsters deserve.

In light of Trump’s remarks and the subsequent strong repudiation by our General President, the elected officers of Teamsters Joint Council 28 are endorsing the Harris-Walz Presidential Ticket as the only choice that will protect the rights of our members.

In Solidarity,

Rick Hicks, President

Rich Ewing, Vice President 

Russell Shjerven, Secretary Treasurer

Chad Baker, Recording Secretary

Brian Blaisdell, Trustee

Gary Dixon, Trustee

Samantha Kantak, Trustee


14675 Interurban Ave S, Ste 305
Tukwila, WA 98168

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